Jun 21, 2016
Teach Your Monster


Teach Your Monster to Read

Teach Your Monster to Read



About Game

Teach Your Monster to Read is a ground-breaking phonics and reading app specially designed for children aged between 3-6. This award-winning game has been played and enjoyed by over 30 million kids worldwide. The app, which was developed in collaboration with leading academics at the UK’s University of Roehampton, aims to make learning to read a fun and engaging process. It covers everything from phonics to reading full sentences, perfectly aligning with any phonics scheme and making reading both an enjoyable and educational journey for young minds.

How to play

  • In Teach Your Monster to Read, children can create their own cute and unique monster to embark on a magical reading journey across three different games. Each game is tailored to improve their reading skills as they progress.
  • The games include 'First Steps' for beginners learning phonics through letters and sounds, 'Fun With Words' for those confidently recognizing early letter-sound combinations and starting to read sentences, and 'Champion Reader' for kids who are reading short sentences and have mastered basic letter-sound combinations.
  • The app also offers numerous exciting minigames that help children develop speed and accuracy in phonics.
  • There are absolutely no in-app purchases, hidden costs, or in-game advertisements, ensuring uninterrupted learning and fun for kids.


  • Educators celebrate Teach Your Monster to Read as a captivating and effective tool in the classroom, assisting students in learning to read.
  • Parents, too, praise this app seeing significant improvements in their children's literacy in just a matter of weeks.
  • Apart from being an educational tool, the fun, interactive gameplay makes Teach Your Monster to Read a kids' favorite, thus promoting learning through play.
  • Lastly, the proceeds from this app go to supporting the Usborne Foundation charity making it a win-win for everyone.


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