Run of Life

Run of Life




About Game

Run of Life is an immersive game that allows you to experience a lifespan within each run. The game puts you in a unique perspective where you challenge the concept of time while exploring different phases of life. It presents you with an adventurous run where your character's age is determined based upon your interaction with various elements throughout the game. With every item you collect, you become younger, and every obstacle makes you age. But beware, if you age too much, it's indeed the end of the game, literally.

How to play

  • The uniqueness of Run of Life lies in its interesting game concept where you can get 'younger' or 'older' depending on your in-game actions.
  • The game offers great lessens on life's natural progression, where each run can be equated to traversing through life's various stages, teaching the players to value every moment.
  • The graphics and the aesthetics of the game are designed to make your experience visually engaging, enhancing your immersion in the game.
  • Customizable characters and diverse in-game elements provide an exciting and unique gameplay for every run.


  • As an editor, I highly recommend Run of Life. It's not just a game, it's a touching journey through life, cleverly disguised in an engaging running game.
  • The concept is refreshing and the lessons it subtly imparts are commendable. It is indeed a must-play app.

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